Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Star Wars Follow Up && How We Work

So, decisions have been made!

This is how Live, Laugh, Die is going to work:
  • Posts will be made on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
  • Mondays will include up to 5 pictures/videos/anything else funny
  • Mondays will also introduce a theme for the week
  • You comment or message (or email, if you actually know me .. ) other funny things you've found based on the weeks theme - failing that, I'll go in search of some
  • Wednesday and Friday's posts will be of my favourites of the other things I've been sent/found, hopefully based on the theme, but if nothing else decent has been found it will just be something random :)
Now, ON WITH THE FIRST FOLLOW UP .. which automatically goes to a really good friend of mine, as she was the only one to send me anything. However, this is brilliant, and most likely would've won anyway:
Click it and be happy :)
May the force still be with you
Live, Laugh, Die Happy

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